Investment Advisor Application

The ESILAB Investment Advisor Application (IAA) is designed to provide online subscribers with the ability to evaluate the structure, financial condition, affiliations (internal and external), services, fees, policies, investment strategy, investment portfolio, and disciplinary record of Investment Advisor Firms and their Investment Advisor Representatives.
The IAA database is populated with in excess of 650 million data points originating from multiple public sources.
IAA core functionality can be summarized as follows:
Access to current and historic Form ADV (Parts 1-3), Form 13F, and related filing data;
Integration of third-party hedge fund and mutual fund performance data via API;
Filterable launchpad providing Investment Advisor name, type, Disclosure Reporting Pages, filing history, jurisdiction of incorporation, CRD number, and total Regulatory Assets Under Management;
Ability to track changes in Form ADV data over time at high levels of granularity;
Disclosure Reporting Page (DRP) analysis of control persons, officers, employees, and 3rd party service providers (e.g. custodians and prime brokers);
Hyperlinked access to the original data source;
Ability to execute user configurable structured queries (e.g. identify hedge funds headquartered in New York with Regulatory Assets Under Management of $2bn that are "algorithmic investors");
Benchmarking functionality designed to facilitate comparison of a Registered Investment Advisor’s filing data against a user-configurable basket of its peers;
Automated and configurable red flag search engine queries of IAA data and public internet;
Real-time alerts:
Risk Alerts – immediate notification in the event of a material event such as a decrease in Regulatory Assets Under Management, DRP events, etc.; and
Marketing Alerts – triggered by new registrations with the SEC.
User-configurable Logic Chain API capable of performing portfolio-level calculations and feeding downstream systems via API.